Dillian Wines

Dillian Wines

ancient Zinfandel Vine - Courtesy Randy Caparoso

Dillian Wines is a small family winery specializing in Zinfandel, Barbera and Primitivo. Owner Tom Dillian has been growing high-quality grapes in Amador County for over 30 years. The winery tasting room is modeled after the home built by Tom's grandfather in the early 1900s and sits on property owned by the Dillians since 1917. The Dillian family, their fine wines and gracious hospitality remain Amador County trademarks. Dillian Wines is a small family winery specializing in Zinfandel, Barbera and Primitivo. Ancient Zinfandel Vine - Courtesy Randy Caparoso

  • Open No-Appointment
  • Inquire online or events
  • Mailing/Waiting List for Wines